To Feed My Woodland Bones [A Changeling's Tale]

£6.00 - £12.00

How often do we hear the changeling's side of a folk tale? What if the faery or elfin child left in exchange for a human child finds it tricky to adjust to our world? Maybe they don't want to cause mischief or harm, they're just trying to figure out how to fit in. In these 12 poems, our changeling leads you through her struggles, and her victories, death and love and birth, and magic.

"Transformation magic is at the heart of these poems. Think Rossetti’s ‘Goblin Market’ for modern times. The poems move through anger and sorrow to redemptive love, as Garrett rewrites the Grimoire of her past hurts into a beguiling spell book where ‘elfhood’ proves stronger than the destructive forces which beset her." - Angela Topping

Signed copies are £6.00.
Buy it in a magical, otherworldly bundle with A View from the Phantasmagoria for £12 + shipping.